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T-Ball (Instructional)

Tee Ball (Instructional)

  • A game will not exceed one hour.

  • Game time start is the scheduled game start time.

  • All batters bat in the lineup each inning.

  • Outs and runs do not count. No score will be kept.

  • On defense: Pitchers and first basemen must wear protective helmets with face masks.

  • No catchers. 

  • All batters and base runners must wear helmets with face masks and chin straps.

  • Batters may advance one base at a time. 

  • All players must use regulation Little League bat no longer than 28” and barrel no bigger than 2 ¼ inches.

  • Bases will be spaced sixty feet apart.  

  • A 10 foot fair ball arc will be in place in front of home plate.  Batted ball on the line is fair.  Batter should run on contact regardless. 

  • Every player plays every inning on defense.  No player will sit out.  Fill up the outfield.  On Fighting Creek Blue and Black fields, all outfielders must be at least 30 feet or 10 adult strides behind the infielders. On Green, Orange and Village Complex fields, outfielders must be in the grass.

  • All players must be rotated defensively every two innings. This allows the opportunity for each player to play outfield and infield.  Each player should play in infield at least one inning per game. Pitcher’s circle is 10 feet in diameter with the back of the circle at the standard 46 foot pitching rubber.

  • Defensive pitcher must start with one foot in the pitcher's circle and be positioned at the midpoint or behind it. (marking midpoint line is advisable).

  • Pitchers must throw the ball to first base if fielded within the circle. Exception – if there is a play at home, the pitcher may run home to make the play if fielded in the circle.

  • Two defensive coaches must be behind the outfielders.

  • No more than four coaches/adults for each game.  One coach/adult volunteer should be in the dugout at all times.

  • All coaches, dugout parents and practice helpers must have valid background checks.

T-Ball (Advanced)

  • A game will consist of six innings but shall not exceed one hour and fifteen minutes. A new inning will not be started with 5 minutes left in game time.

  • Game time start is the scheduled start time.

  • All batters bat in the lineup each inning.

  • After three outs or five runs you shall finish the remainder of batters but remaining runs do not count.

  • Adult pitcher throws 5 pitches from the front of the circle. If the ball is not in play, the tee will be used to allow the batter to get the ball in play – no strikeouts.

  • The at-bat will continue upon foul balls from fifth pitch onward before going to the tee.  

  • Adult pitchers must start their pitching motion with one foot inside the circle.

  • Pitcher’s circle is 10 feet in diameter with the back of the circle at the standard 46 foot pitching rubber.

  • Defensive pitchers must start with one foot in the pitcher's circle and be positioned at the midpoint or behind it. (marking midpoint line is advisable).

  • Runners must stop when either stymied or when the ball is in control within the infield.

  • Batters may advance as far as they can provided the ball has not been returned to the infield. 

  • Bases will be spaced sixty feet apart. 

  • A 10 foot fair ball arc will be in place in front of home plate.  Batted ball on the line is fair.  Batter should run on contact regardless. 

  • Adult pitchers should leave the playing field upon balls being put into play by exiting fair territory behind the batter running to first base.

  • Adult pitchers should pick up bats and remove them from play.  Defensive coach at backstop should help as well.

  • Defensive player pitchers must wear a batting helmet with facemask and chin strap.

  • All batters and base runners must wear helmets with face masks and chin straps.

  • All players must use regulation Little League bat no longer than 28” and barrel no bigger than 2 ¼ inches.

  • A runner may advance one base on an overthrow to first base at the base coach’s discretion.  Players may still be thrown out at 2nd base.

  • Each player must play at least two innings in the infield.  Rotation as a catcher counts towards this requirement. 

  • Every player plays every inning on defense.  No player will sit out.  Fill up the outfield.  On Fighting Creek Blue and Black fields, all outfielders must be at least 30 feet or 10 adult strides behind the infielders. On Green, Orange and Village Complex fields, outfielders must be in the grass.

  • All players must be rotated defensively every two innings. This allows the opportunity for each player to play outfield and infield.  

  • Pitchers must throw the ball to first base (or any other base) if fielded within the circle. Exception – if there is a play at home, the pitcher may run home if fielded in the circle. 

  • No more than four coaches/adults for each game.  One coach/adult volunteer should be in the dugout at all times.

  • Two defensive coaches are permitted in the outfield (behind all outfielders).

  • One adult coach may be at the backstop to help speed play and return balls back to the adult pitcher.

  • All coaches, dugout parents and practice helpers must have valid background checks.

Minors Coaches Pitch

  • A game will consist of six innings or one hour and 30 minutes and, whichever comes first.  Game start time should be recorded when the home team takes the field.  No new inning will begin within 5 minutes of the time limit.

  • An inning will consist of three outs or five runs, then turn over offense/defense.

  • Each at-bat will consist of five pitches unless three swinging strikes are achieved before the 5th pitch.

  • The at-bat will continue upon foul balls from fifth pitch onward.  

  • Pitcher’s circle is 10 feet in diameter with the back of the circle at the standard 46 foot pitching rubber.

  • Adult pitchers must start their pitching motion with one foot inside the circle.

  • Defensive players must start with one foot in the pitcher's circle and be positioned at the midpoint or behind it. (marking the midpoint line is advisable).

  • Defense will consist of 10 players (4 outfielders).  On Fighting Creek Blue and Black fields, all outfielders must be at least 30 feet or 10 adult strides behind the infielders.  On Green, Orange and Village Complex fields, outfielders must be in the grass.

  • Runners must stop when the ball is in control in the infield.  Any runners past the halfway point may advance at their own risk to the next base.  If not halfway, they must return to their prior base.  Runners may be thrown out if the ball is still in play.  Runners should be repositioned once the ball is dead.

  • Batters may advance as far as they can provided the ball is not in control in the infield. 

  • Adult pitchers should leave the playing field upon balls being put into play by exiting fair territory behind the batter running to first base.

  • Adult pitchers should pick up bats and remove them from play.  Defensive coach at backstop should help as well.

  • Each player must play at least two innings in the infield.  Rotation as a catcher counts towards this requirement.

  • Defensive pitchers must wear a batting helmet with a facemask and chin strap (recommended).

  • All batters and base runners must wear helmets with face masks and chin straps (recommended).

  • Two defensive coaches are permitted in the outfield (behind all outfielders).

  • One adult coach may be at the backstop to help speed play and return balls back to the adult pitcher.

  • No more than four coaches/adults for each game.  One coach/adult volunteer should be in the dugout at all times.

  • All coaches, dugout parents and practice helpers must have valid background checks.

  • Games may be started/played with 8 players.  When the 9th position in the batting order comes up, there is no penalty.  Just skip over and go back to the top of the lineup.  When the 9th player (or more) arrives, just place them in the bottom of the batting order. They will bat when their turn comes up next.

  • No player should sit more than one (1) inning until everyone on the roster has sat once.

  • No player should sit consecutive innings (unless illness, injury, or disciplinary action).

Minors - Rookie (Hybrid Player/Coach Pitch)

  • A game will consist of six innings or one hour and 30 minutes, whichever comes first. 
  • Game start time should be recorded when the home team takes the field. 
  • No new inning will begin within 5 minutes of the time limit.
  • There is no stealing in this division.
  • Player Pitchers shall pitch from 46’ distance.
  •   Player pitchers are held to a maximum of 2 innings or 35 pitches per game, whichever comes first.
      • Player pitchers may not pitch in consecutive games.
        • If the kid pitcher delivers 4 balls before the ball is put in play, the Coach Pitcher will finish the ‘at bat’ for the batter. 
            • The batter will maintain his strike count when the Coach Pitcher takes over the ‘at bat’.
            •   Coach Pitcher will deliver only the number of pitches remaining to achieve 3 total strikes, or the ball is put into play. 
            •   Coach pitchers must start their pitching motion with one foot on the front of the pitching mound.
            •   A foul ball on the last pitch (3rd strike) will grant the batter another pitch but they must swing or they will be called out. Additional foul balls will continue the ‘at bat’.
            • During the Coach Pitcher’s attempts, the defensive kid pitcher shall be positioned no closer than three (3) feet on either side of the pitching rubber (1B or 3B side of mound), no further than eight (8) feet from the pitching rubber and shall be even with or no more than five (5) feet behind (towards outfield) the line between first base and third base.
              • There are no walks issued in this division. 
                • If the kid pitcher does hit the batter, the batter will be awarded first base.
                  • An inning will consist of three outs or five runs, then turnover offense/defense.
                    • Defense will consist of 9 players (3 outfielders). 
                      • Runners are free to advance bases at their own risk until time is called by the umpire.
                        • Runners are not allowed to advance on any passed ball by the catcher at home plate.
                          • Adult pitchers should leave the playing field upon balls being put into play by exiting fair territory behind the batter running to first base.
                            • Adult pitchers should pick up bats and remove them from play. 
              • Each player must play at least two innings in the infield.  Rotation as a catcher counts towards this requirement.
                • Two defensive coaches are permitted in the outfield (behind all outfielders).
                  • All batters and base runners must wear helmets (highly recommended with a face mask or cheek guard).
                    • Pitch counts should be verified at the conclusion of each inning.
              • Pitch counts will be texted to the Division Director via group text (includes all Division Managers & Coaching Coordinator) at the conclusion of each game.  
                • No more than four coaches/adults for each game. One coach/adult volunteer should be in the dugout at all times.
                  • Games may be started/played with 8 players.  When the 9th position in the batting order comes up, there is no penalty.  Just skip over and go back to the top of the lineup.  When the 9th player (or more) arrives, just place them in the bottom of the batting order. They will bat when their turn comes up next.
                    • No player should sit more than one (1) inning until everyone on the roster has sat once.
                      • No player should sit consecutive innings (unless illness, injury, or disciplinary action).
                        • All coaches, dugout parents and practice helpers must have valid background checks prior to entering any field of play or dugout.


  • A game will consist of six innings.  However, no new inning will start after 1 hour and 45 minutes.

  • Game start time should be recorded when Umpire/Managers Plate Meeting concludes.  No new inning will begin within 5 minutes of the time limit.

  • An inning will consist of three outs or five runs.

  • All rules of the current Little League rule book will apply.

  • All batters and base runners must wear helmets (highly recommended with a face mask or cheek guard).

  • Pitch counts should be verified at the conclusion of each inning.

  • Pitch counts will be texted to the Division Director via group text (includes all Division Managers & Coaching Coordinator) at the conclusion of each game.  

  • Inter-league play will assume D5 approved inter-league rules (these should all be equal now: time limits, run limits & LL Rules).

  • No more than four coaches/adults for each game. One coach/adult volunteer should be in the dugout at

all times.

  • Games may be started/played with 8 players.  When the 9th position in the batting order comes up, there is no penalty.  Just skip over and go back to the top of the lineup.  When the 9th player (or more) arrives, just place them in the bottom of the batting order. They will bat when their turn comes up next.

  • No player should sit more than one (1) inning until everyone on the roster has sat once.

  • Each player must play at least two innings in the infield.  Rotation as a catcher counts towards this requirement. Unless the manager sees this as being a safety issue in which case the manager must have a conversation with its league director AND the players parent or guardian.

  • No player should sit consecutive innings (unless illness, injury, or disciplinary action).

  • All coaches, dugout parents and practice helpers must have valid background checks.


  • A game will consist of six innings.  However, no new inning will start after 1 hour and 45 minutes.

  • Game start time should be recorded when Umpire/Managers Plate Meeting concludes.  No new inning will begin within 5 minutes of the time limit.

  • An inning will consist of three outs or seven runs.

  • All rules of the current Little League rule book will apply. 

  • Pitch counts should be verified at the conclusion of each inning.

  • Pitch counts will be texted to the Division Director via group text (includes all Division Managers & Coaching Coordinator) at the conclusion of each game.  

  • Inter-league play will assume D5 approved inter-league rules (these should all be equal now: time limits, run limits & LL Rules).

  • No more than three coaches/adults for each game. One coach/adult volunteer should be in the dugout at all times.

  • Games may be started/played with 8 players.  When the 9th position in the batting order comes up, there is no penalty.  Just skip over and go back to the top of the lineup.  When the 9th player (or more) arrives, just place them in the bottom of the batting order. They will bat when their turn comes up next.

  • No player should sit more than one (1) inning until everyone on the roster has sat once.

  • Each player must play at least two innings in the infield.  Rotation as a catcher counts towards this requirement. Unless the manager sees this as being a safety issue. in which case the manager must have a conversation with its league director AND the players parent or guardian.

  • No player should sit consecutive innings (unless illness, injury, or disciplinary action).

  • All coaches, dugout parents and practice helpers must have valid background checks.

Intermediate 50/70

  • A game will consist of seven innings.  However, no new inning will start after 2 hours.

  • Game start time should be recorded when Umpire/Managers Plate Meeting concludes.  No new inning will begin within 5 minutes of the time limit.

  • An inning will consist of three outs or seven runs.

  • All rules of the current Little League rule book will apply.

  • Pitch counts should be verified at the conclusion of each inning.

  • Pitch counts will be texted to the Division Director via group text (includes all Division Managers & Coaching Coordinator) at the conclusion of each game.  

  • Inter-league play will assume D5 approved inter-league rules (these should all be equal now: time limits, run limits & LL Rules).

  • No more than three coaches/adults for each game. One coach/adult volunteer should be in the dugout at all times.

  • While metal spikes are permitted in 50/70 and Seniors, NO metal spikes are permitted on pitching mounds (pitchers must wear plastic cleats, turf shoes or tennis shoes).

  • Games may be started/played with 8 players.  When the 9th position in the batting order comes up, there is no penalty.  Just skip over and go back to the top of the lineup.  When the 9th player (or more) arrives, just place them in the bottom of the batting order. They will bat when their turn comes up next.

  • No player should sit more than one (1) inning until everyone on the roster has sat once.

  • No player should sit consecutive innings (unless illness, injury, or disciplinary action).

  • All coaches, dugout parents and practice helpers must have valid background checks.


  • A game will consist of seven innings.  However, no new inning will start after 2 hours and 15 minutes.

  • Game start time should be recorded when Umpire/Managers Plate Meeting concludes.  No new inning will begin within 5 minutes of the time limit.

  • An inning will consist of three outs or seven runs.

  • All rules of the current Little League rule book will apply.

  • Pitch counts should be verified at the conclusion of each inning.

  • Pitch counts will be texted to the Division Director via group text (includes all Division Managers & Coaching Coordinator) at the conclusion of each game.  Inter-league play will assume D5 approved inter-league rules (these should all be equal now: time limits, run limits & LL Rules).

  • No more than three coaches/adults for each game. One coach/adult volunteer should be in the dugout at all times.

  • While metal spikes are permitted in 50/70 and Seniors, NO metal spikes are permitted on pitching mounds (pitchers must wear plastic cleats, turf shoes or tennis shoes).

  • Games may be started/played with 8 players.  When the 9th position in the batting order comes up, there is no penalty.  Just skip over and go back to the top of the lineup.  When the 9th player (or more) arrives, just place them in the bottom of the batting order. They will bat when their turn comes up next.

  • No player should sit more than one (1) inning until everyone on the roster has sat once.

  • No player should sit consecutive innings (unless illness, injury, or disciplinary action).

  • All coaches, dugout parents and practice helpers must have valid background checks.

Contact us

Powhatan Little League

PO Box 353 
Powhatan, Virginia 23139
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 804-396-1442

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